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Seniors’ Centres Without Walls

The PCC and the Ottawa Valley Filipino-Canadian Senior Citizens’ Association (OVFCSCA) entered into a partnership in December 2020 to implement the Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) project, which was made possible by a grant from the Province of Ontario through the Older Adult Centre’ Association of Ontario SCWW Micro-Grant Program.  It involves conducting a telephone-based training program for seniors and older adults (50+) to enhance interaction with their peers and mitigate social isolation that may be caused by their limited social and physical mobility and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Six facilitators from OVFCSCA were trained in conducting the training wherein they engage seniors in activities such as trivia questions, story-telling, and games.  They were also trained on the use of the Mercuri teleconferencing technology to manage the group activities.

If you wish to volunteer as a facilitator or as a participant, please contact Cora Guillermo at or at (343) 463-2346.

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