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PCC Strategic Planning Committee Synthesized Strategic Planning Outputs

News & Events 2021


Formed during the strategic planning activity on September 4, PCC’s Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) convened on September 18 to synthesize the outputs of the planning process.

PCC Board member, Adonis Sucalit, facilitating the Strategic Planning Committee meeting


The committee focused on creating goals around the cross-cutting issues that emerged after the SWOT (Strengths-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats) analysis done by Board members and staff during the first session. These key issues help determine the role PCC will play in the Filipino-Canadian community in Ottawa-Gatineau area and throughout Canada.

(From L-R) SPC members Teilhard Paradela, Jean Roxas, and AmelitaArmit


The next session is set for October 31st. It will focus on solidifying PCC’s goals and identifying the objectives, activities, and indicators that would help achieve those goals.

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