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PCC Holds 2019 Annual General Meeting

The 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) originally scheduled to be held on April 4, 2020, was moved to a much later date because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Complying with Corporations Canada’s guidelines on the holding of AGMs, the PCC held its virtual (via Zoom) 2019 AGM last December 6, 2020.

Marion Villanueva, Chairperson, presented the activities in 2019 after acknowledging the leadership of Nena Nera, the previous Chairperson and Eddie Villarta, former Executive Director.  Margarita Anzures-Berry, Treasurer, presented the 2019 and current (as of November 30, 2020) financial status of PCC.  Overall, the financial report showed significant financial growth for PCC due mainly to the two grants received from the federal government, specifically from the Employment and Social Development Canada through the Emergency Community Support Fund, managed by the Canadian Red Cross.

Members present confirmed the May 2020 appointment of Robert Salvador, Dr. Ronald Huan, and Quirino Ragub to the Board.  They also voted by acclamation eleven (11) nominees to the Board, namely:  Mila Patriarca Allard, Eduardo Alvarez, Charito Babol, Adelita Bustamante, Lolita Shaila Safaee Chalkasra, Ruel Jimenez, Janet Pangilinan, Novy Ramos, Rudy Sabas and Amelita Armit, who decided to run for another term.

Two amendments to the ByLaws with regard to the size of the Board and term of officers were passed.  The Ugnayan Fund was also presented to the assembly.  Questions were raised as to the rationale for setting it up and the types of projects that may be supported by the fund.  The AGM culminated in the presentation of certificates of recognition to former Board members and certificates of appreciation to the volunteers of the Seniors, Caregivers, and Frontliners Support (Salamat box) project.

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