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Interviews with Young Filipino-Canadian Entrepreneurs

The online Livelihood and Entrepreneurship Training (LET) is the second component of the Young Filipino-Canadian Resilience Project. The LET aims to introduce the basics of entrepreneurship and self-employment to young Filipino-Canadians (18 to 40 years old) in Ontario and surrounding areas. The LET has two components: 1. Pre-Entrepreneurship Online Events and 2. Basic to Start-up Entrepreneurship Training.

Two professors from the Algonquin College School of Business and four young Filipino-Canadian entrepreneurs were featured in a series of online lectures and interviews. The events were held on Zoom and live streamed on PCC’s Facebook page. Each video garnered between 500 to over 1,000 views.

February 15th, 2021 – Professor Christopher Doré, Program Coordinator of the Business Management and Entrepreneurship program at Algonquin College, opened the series with a lecture on the Basics of Youth Entrepreneurship. He tackled key points such as, a) Why entrepreneurship for the youth; b) How to discover business opportunities; c) What makes young entrepreneurs successful; and d) Examples of successful businesses founded by young entrepreneurs.

You can watch Professor Doré’s lecture here:

February 16th, 2021 – Ms. Andrea Mapili is a playwright, movement director, choreographer, speaker, and private coach based in Toronto. As the first guest speaker, she revealed her journey to self-discovery, from earning an education background to be a medical professional to having an eye-opening experience that led her to pursue her passion for art. Ms. Mapili spoke to ways that aspiring entrepreneurs can transform their creative skills into an income-generating venture.

You can watch Ms. Mapili’s interview here:

February 17th, 2021 – Ms. Katherine Raagas is an early childhood educator running a health and beauty business as a side hustle in Toronto. What started as a passion for skincare quickly became a source of income by leveraging her social media networks. Ms. Raagas addressed how a young entrepreneur can achieve a balancing act while tackling numerous opportunities and challenges.

You can watch Ms. Raagas’s interview here:

February 18th, 2021 – Mr. Yoni Sambo is a portrait, fashion, and commercial photographer from Ottawa. His business was greatly impacted by the pandemic as most photographers carry out their services in person. In his interview, Mr. Sambo shared how his innovative ideas and undying passion for his craft has helped him thrive in an ever-changing market.

You can watch Mr. Sambo’s interview here:

February 19th, 2021 – Mr. Joseph Puzon is an award-winning fashion designer based in Ottawa. His transition from working as a human resource professional to starting a venture in the fashion industry has required plenty of courage. Mr. Puzon focused on how he makes himself stand out in a crowded marketplace- whether by incorporating Filipino fabrics such as piña* in his garments or sewing scarves with a built-in mask to address customers’ needs during a pandemic. *Piña is a type of handwoven fabric made from pineapple fiber.

You can watch Mr. Puzon’s lecture here:

February 22nd, 2021 – Mr. Mark Allice is a professor in the Business Management and Entrepreneurship program at Algonquin College and an Industrial Technology Advisor at the National Research Council Canada. Mr. Allice capped the series of online pre-entrepreneurship events with a lecture on the funding ecosystem in Canada to guide young aspiring entrepreneurs seeking funding support. He addressed key points such as, a) The funding structure in the National Capital Region; b) How a young entrepreneur can get started; c) Funding programs and how to access them; and d) Success stories of entrepreneurs who have received aid from these programs.

You can watch Mr. Allice’s lecture here:

The Young Filipino-Canadian Resilience Project was made possible by funding support from the Employment and Social Development Canada through the Canadian Red Cross.

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