Healthy Aging for Filipino-Canadian Seniors: Physiotherapy for Healthy Ageing
The “Healthy Aging for Filipino-Canadian Seniors: A Series of Learning Workshops” project aims to help seniors acquire new knowledge about healthy ageing and empower them to live independently. The project is funded by the Employment and Social Development Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program with the Philippine Centre Canada (PCC) as the project holder and the Ottawa Valley Filipino-Canadian Senior Citizens Association (OVFCSCA) as partner/collaborator. The seniors determined the topics of the ten workshops.
The first workshop entitled “Physiotherapy for Healthy Ageing,” was a highly informative and engaging event attended by 40 participants on July 22, 2023and held at the Carlo Acutis Hall of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish from 1 pm to 4 pm. It aimed to provide valuable information and resources about fall prevention to seniors. Resource speaker Sarah Anderson delivered an interactive session on fall prevention strategies, post-fall procedures, increasing awareness of falls, and identifying the fall risk factors that impact elderly individuals. In addition to these topics, participants also learned about various community resources available in Ottawa and online, such as exercise and assistive device programs. These resources are vital for maintaining seniors’ physical well-being and helping them age in place.
The dynamic Project Coordinator, Urduja Carino and ably assisted by the hardworking OVFCSCA leader, Mary Formoso, organized the event.