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Board Retreat Held to Discuss Vision, Mission, Goals and Priorities (March 2019)

Philippine Centre Canada Board members convened in a retreat in March 2019 with the goal of producing strategies that would guide PCC’s direction forward. The retreat’s first key result is a minor revision on the vision and goals by reflecting on the Board’s common reasons for joining PCC, as well as those of the intended clients and partners. Another key takeaway is on ways to implement its mission, which can be achieved by focusing on four pillars: 1) Capacity building; 2) Grants and Funding; 3) Heritage and culture; and 4) Advocacy, linkages. And community outreach. The third main result of the retreat is a strategic plan to accelerate growth. Some action steps to take are to strengthen partnerships with organizations that share a similar vision and focus on recruiting more volunteers to execute PCC’s programs.

Another Board member retreat is scheduled for August 2019.

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