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Enhancing Connection of Seniors with Their Families and Community through Digital Technology

June 8, 2021

The Philippine Centre Canada and the Ottawa Valley Filipino-Canadian Senior Citizens Association (OVFCSCA) has launched a joint project that aims to promote social inclusion and mitigate social isolation among Filipino-Canadian seniors (50 years old and above) by enhancing their knowledge and skills in using digital technology. The project participants will specifically use tablets, which will beprovided by the PCC with OVFCSCA. “Enhancing Connection of Seniors with Their Families and Community through Digital Technology” officially launched on May 18, 2021 and is made possible by funding support from the New Horizons for Seniors Program of the Ministry of Seniors. The project is to be implemented in six months.

The guidelines on selecting participants and volunteers will be determined by the Project Advisory Committee, which is comprised of representatives from the PCC and OVFCSCA, to ensure that seniors are actively involved in a meaningful way. The project aims to reach 50 seniors, with the first phase set to train 25 seniors from July 1 to August 30, and the second phase laid out to train another 25 seniors from September 1 to October 30. Volunteers will be recruited and trained on how to lead the program sessions.

By the end of the project, the PCC with OVFCSCA aims to have addressed social isolation and promoted inclusion among Filipino-Canadian seniors in the community.

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